Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte’s Web

At that time I was thinking, how do spiders and pigs develop friendship?

A pig was sentenced to death at birth, thinking that such a thin piglet would not survive, and that it was destined to be slaughtered one day. But fortunately, it met the owner's daughter: Fern, and also made a good friend, the spider Charlotte.

Wilbur grew so fast, fat, and lovable. Duck Caizi said: "It doesn't know that its death is coming. It is so full every day that the owner wants to kill it for a feast on Christmas."

Wilbur the pig can't eat anymore after listening to the duck, can't sleep well, is worried all day long, what a wonderful life...

Then Charlotte encouraged him, she would help him, he just needed to drink and sleep. The pig was relieved. Charlotte has been hiding behind the little pig. Day after day, Charlotte stayed on the Internet and thought quietly, and finally came up with a wonderful way to save the little pig. Charlotte wove the word "ace pig" on her web, and successfully deceived human beings. Wilbur's fate changed, and he became a well-known pig. Next, Charlotte wove other words online, turning Wilbur into an "ace pig", a "wonderful" pig, a "glorious" pig, and a "humble" pig , People are amazed at Wilbur, the little pig. The owner took Wilbur to participate in the competition, and won the highest medal to bring pride and honor to the owner. Wilbur is no longer a pig who can only do Christmas meal of pigs. Everyone fell in love with this little pig deeply and was proud of the little pig. The owner would never think of killing Wilbur again. He would keep feeding Wilbur until he was old.

I like the sense of security that Charlotte brings to Wilbur. The small size has a lot of energy. When Wilbur first met Charlotte, Wilbur thought Charlotte was a cruel, bloodthirsty guy. How to think that Charlotte is such a loyal, loving and intelligent friend. This reminds me of my best friend from high school, I'm not the pig that's about to be killed, but I'm also the one that was saved! I will always remember my toughest times and always have a friend by my side who will always stand by my side.

Post time: Jun-14-2022